I advocate for ...
Low-Impact Development
- We must promote construction that is both lasting and affordable. Our building codes should reflect tomorrow's needs and enrich future generations.
- We must consider the costs and benefits of all decisions. It’s okay to pay a little more today if the result is something we can afford to maintain and use for generations. Cheaper options may force our children to pay even more for the same thing in another 20 years.
- Our neighborhoods should not be flood prone. Stormwater infrastructure in our new developments should not be to the detriment of our established residences. We must encourage low-impact development that leaves natural water drainage in place.
- Let's keep our trees as we further develop. Trees increase our home values, reduce cooling costs, and provide environmental benefits. I fully support the city's new tree code.
Welcoming Growth
- Create inviting neighborhoods. Encourage mixed use development where we can walk to the store, church, or work.
- New developments must come with the proper infrastructure. Roads, stormwater and parks cannot be after thoughts that our children are left paying for.
- Create inviting public spaces that are always in use. Develop more small neighborhood public parks. Encourage developers to set aside land for public spaces rather than pay a small recreation fee to opt out.
- Adjust city codes to allow annexed neighbors to retain some land use rights, including agricultural.
Efficient Use of Existing Infrastructure
- Let's get our money's worth. Our community spaces and facilities should always be in use. Develop and promote additional activities at the city parks and recreation facilities.
- Be forward thinking. If new city facilities are needed, we must build for what we expect we will need in forty years, rather than what we needed yesterday.
Political advertisement paid for and approved by William Johnson for West Melbourne Council